 Terry Davenport

Making a diabetic slipper with Terry Davenport

 Materials Materials you will need
  • 10 mm non-adhesive felt
  • 10cm synthetic plaster bandage
  • 7.5cm synthetic plaster bandage
  • Tubefast
  • 10 cm under-cast padding - 1 roll
  • Adhesive strapping
  • Elastoplast
  • Velcro
  • 15 cm ply spreader board
  • Cast slipper
 Apply the dressing  

1. Apply dressing of choice to wound

 Apply the Tubefast  

2. Apply Tubefast elastic bandage

 Felt  3. Apply the 10 mm felt
 Hold in place  4. Hold the felt in place with 10cm undercast padding
 Dip plaster in water  5. Dip the synthetic cast bandage in water
 Apply first roll of synthetic plaster  6. Apply the first roll of synthetic plaster bandage
 {short description of image}  7. Apply the 4 inch plaster bandage as a slab to the underside of the cast
 {short description of image}  8. Anchor it
 Use spreader  9. Push ply spreader against bottom of cast to spread the weight
 {short description of image} 10. Leave to dry for 15-20 minutes then cut along one side as shown
 {short description of image}  11. Cut along the other side
 {short description of image}  12. Apply Elastoplast strapping
 {short description of image}  13. Cut down middle with scissors to open up padding
 {short description of image}  14. Tidy the sides
 {short description of image}  15. Apply 10 cm felt pad as a tongue
 {short description of image}  16. Attach adhesive Velcro to the cast
   17. Apply loops to hold cast on foot
 {short description of image}  18. Attach cast slipper


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