
Richard HourstonThis website is constructed and maintained by Richard Hourston DPodM, SRCh, RGN.

Richard has worked as a hospital Podiatrist in the UK National Health Service for over 20 years and has a keen interest in diabetic foot problems. 

The idea to create the site was prompted by the needs of health care professionals to have easy access to a resource on the diabetic foot and the problems associated with caring for the diabetic with foot problems. Many health care professionals commented to the author that they lacked a good source of information on the subject. It struck him that the media of the Internet allowed access to all and would hopefully provide an easy way of disseminating the information. Thus the website was born in 1999.

As part of the project, footcare advice leaflets were translated into 31 languages. They can be downloaded free for use in local clinics. However they should not be stored on other Internet sites or users' hard drives as they are copyright.


| Home | Leaflets | Footcare | Footwear | Hosiery | Casting | Sensory testing | Monofilaments | Circulation tests | St.Vincent Declaration
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Website www.diabeticfoot.org.uk created and maintained by Richard Hourston,
a Podiatrist working in the UK ©1999-2020

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