
Hosiery is important


Socks are important. Compare the walking socks shown here. Notice the large seam on the one that has been turned inside out.

Socks with rough seams

I wore these socks one year whilst on a walking holiday in the Cairngorm mountains in Scotland. After a journey of some 10 miles, I developed a blister on my little toe. Thinking it was my walking boots that had caused the problem, I visited the Outdoor shop next day. I asked for some new boots to try on. I had forgotten to bring my walking socks, so I asked the shop assistant if I could borrow a pair to try with the boots. I realised that it was the seam on the old socks that gave me the blister and not the boots, so I left the boots and purchased the socks.

Socks with smooth seams

These socks are available in camping shops and Outdoor shops. As you can see from the picture the top one that is inside out hardly shows any seam at all. Many diabetics nowadays wear their conventional socks inside out to prevent the seam rubbing on their toes.


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